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Why PetaPixel?

Founded in 2009, PetaPixel has quickly become a leading news source for photography-enthusiasts around the world. PetaPixel reaches a tech-savvy audience that’s passionate about photography, including a large number of influential journalists and professional photographers.

  • 7,000,000+ pageviews per month
  • 4,300,000+ unique visitors per month
  • 1,850,000+ subscriptions through RSS, email, and social networks

Audience Demographics

The vast majority of our readers shoot with interchangeable lens cameras, own more than one camera, and are serious about photography.

  • Male: 70% male
  • Young: 45% aged 18-44
  • Affluent: 23% HHI $100K+ per year
  • Educated: 72% college degree and above

Past and Present Sponsors

Companies that have worked with us include:

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